Need a little help with ecommerce addon - not quite getting it.

Hi - I've been working with the e-commerce add-on and need some help or guidance on what I am doing wrong...I may be a bit in over my head and just need direction. I don't need to have all of the products installed, just a couple in each category so that I can understand what I'm doing wrong.

For example, the title of the product is too large when displayed and I can't get the attributes for the articles of clothing to show up correctly (i.e., size, color).

The url is:

Thank you.

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
I see you've already noticed that what options you select when adding "customer choices" makes a difference. Because you're using a sidebar page for your product page display, try changing your product list results layout to two instead of three products wide. Also, A shorter product title with a detailed description added will display in a cleaner manner.
Your site is shaping up very nicely. Good luck!

jaxter45 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adrian,

Thank you for the quick reply....I will try out your suggestions.

Thank you!