Need Assistance on Two Parts of a Website in Development

Do you do any development in concrete 5? We are a small advertising agency and are beginning to get more work than our two web developers can handle. We are looking to try working with other developers on one specific part of a client project because our current developers are time-strapped. As we are growing our business, we are interested in developing long-term relationship with additional developers so we can outsource development of our client's websites.

Can you get me a quote on creating an event submission for in concrete 5?

In short, it should function like this page:

This is how the client needs it to work:
1. The user would need to input their name, title of event, date of event, short description and long description into this form.
2. The administrator would get an email this came in and could log into the site and approve it
3. Approved events get automatically uploaded into Concrete5

This is the new site in development:

The other piece of this project...I'm not sure if it is possible...but would involve the maps on the site syncing to mymaps so that every time there is a change in mymaps, it automatically updates on the site. The maps look like this:

thank you! please feel free to write back with any questions!

TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply

More than happy to quote you on this but have you looked at using

also what version of C5 are you on?

PM me if you are interested.
camuncey replied on at Permalink Reply
We are using proevents. We need a separate module where a public viewer can
submit an event and the administrator approves them then they automatically
go live in the pro events calendar.
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Pretty sure you can do that. I have used it for this kind of thing.
camuncey replied on at Permalink Reply
We currently have the pro events tools installed but the client needs some customization.

Events calendar:

Event Page:

NEW Submit an Event Form Page:

The content from the form needs to automatically load into the calendar/create a page ONLY once an administrator approves it. Ideally the administrator would get an email every time an event is added.
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Without looking at the backend I can't see how this is pieced together. But form what I see this is all exactly right.

If you want to pay me to look and sort it all out then please PM me with your details and we can take it from there.