Need help with custom payment gateway


we have a ecommerce website, it is a bit like shutterstock but with short videos. Everything is done and working except two things:

1) The payment gateway installation (the website is czech, so it is gonna be provided by a czech bank)

2) Downloading of the videos - they aren´t on the same server as the concrete installation. So when the payment goes through successfully, we need to generate a download link to the other server.

If anyone is able to help with this or should you need additional infomation, don´t hesitate to send me a pm.

Thank you!

legends2 replied on at Permalink Reply

Pls let me know a number to call you

warm regards,

Thomas005 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Concern ,

is this position is Open ?

I would be very happy to assist you & like to explore the opportunity of working together .

Having +10 years of strong experience with Wordpress , Shopify , php , prestashop, oscommerce , woocommerce , opencart , zen-cart , zend , drupal , Magento , joomla and many more .

I have a team of +550 in-house developer & designer .

Please share your requirements with me & I will get back to you soon with estimate .

Let me know if you need any more details .

Looking forward to hear from you soon

Warm Regards ,
Thomas Johnson