Reinstall Concrete5.6.3 - Installation Corrupted - Help! Need Developer assistance

Our site was corrupted with the Wordpress add-in and now doesn't function properly. Some of the files needed to operate clearing the cache properly no longer function. We've tried clearing the cache manually through the function in Concrete5 dashboard and we've even had to clear the cache folder manually. That works eventually, but it isn't reflected immediately in changes that are visible on the site. There's a minimum of a 10 minute or more delay between updates that are made to a page and when that page really shows the changes.

There are other problems associated w/ logging in and downloading files, etc.

The installation of 5.6.3 is corrupted and we've tried do a reinstall and that doesn't solve the problem.

We could solve the problem by upgrading to 5.7, but we're not doing that because more than 1/2 of the add-ons we're running don't work in 5.7. So, we need help fixing the problems and it's definitely at a coding level and we're not PHP programmers. The dashboard is also corrupted and doesn't behave properly.

We need developer assistance.

The site is

If you register at the site, you will experience the first problem and that is once registered you're supposed to be logged in. It doesn't show on the page where we have the register block. So the member has no clue whether they are logged in or not until they try to access a file that requires registration.

TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
What version were you on before you updated?
jero replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure which wordpress add in you're referring to, but if you've got a hole in wordpress, it's possible that your PHP files in concrete5 have been altered. Best thing is to rename your concrete folder, and then download the appropriate zip file extract it locally, and then upload the concrete folder it contains to replace it. That should ensure that you've got a clean set of core files.