Repair Thumbnail Generator Add-on for Concrete5, Version 8
We are completing our new Concrete5 site and are looking for a developer to repair the Thumbnail Add-on, in which the developer is evidently no longer supporting despite us offering him compensation for his time.
We are using The Thumbnail Generator add-on ( with the Page Lists block for a Concrete5 website. The Thumbnail Generator (version is suppose to automatically update a thumbnail attribute for pages using content from the page itself. We can also assign another image to a page, particularly if no image is contained within the page.
The add-on works with some limitations and workarounds for version Concrete 5.7. For example if we want to change an image appearing in an article, a new thumbnail is not generated. To get around this limitation we must either:
A) Clear the image from the Generated Thumbnail (Attribute Setting) and manually add the same image to the generate thumbnail field
B) Select and check disable 'Disable Automatically Generating Thumbnail' in attributes, clear the existing thumbnail and select the replacement image
C) Permanently delete an image from the file manager, thereby allowing another image on the page to appear as the thumbnail.
This bug also increase the time it takes us to create pages, because it forces us to create every page from scratch. When we attempt to use a similar page as a template by copying it, edit its content, and using a new image, the thumbnail image from the original article persists on the modified page. Even clearing the thumbnail and inserted another image from file manager does not change its thumbnail.
More importantly, when we've tried to upgrade to Concrete5 version 8 the upgrade fails and we receive an error related to ImageGrabber/YouTube Error (see attachment).
Initially the developer of this add-on suggested we disable the add-on before upgrading to version 5.8. We tried that but the update still failed because, according to or former developer, the uninstalling of the add-on caused another kind of error on pages as there remains some tables of that add-on in database.
Subsequent emails and voice messages asking Dave Rogers, the developer of the Thumbnail Generator, for assistance with these matters have gone unanswered.
We would like modifications to this add-on so it is able to achieve the following
1) Ability to easily upgrade to the latest version of Concrete5 version 8, preferably without having to disable the add-on or the add-on’s databases.
2) Ability for the add-on to register a replaced image (in article or assigned image) without the workarounds listed above, preferably with no more than a click to reindex the image the new image in article or assigned to the page.
3) Ability for us duplicate a page and have a newly inserted image easily indexed as the thumbnail
4) Easily update displayed thumbnails if any edits are made to image:
a) Cropping or other edits made to image in article using Concrete5 built in image editor
b) WatermarkNN add-on ( adds a wartermark to selected images and thumbnails.
5) Ability for the add-on to work as advertised. If we found these bugs, it is possible we have not detected all bugs. Ultimately we want the add-on to function as advertised without work-arounds.
Please submit your bid to complete this job if you are interested in helping us out.
James Grifing
We are using The Thumbnail Generator add-on ( with the Page Lists block for a Concrete5 website. The Thumbnail Generator (version is suppose to automatically update a thumbnail attribute for pages using content from the page itself. We can also assign another image to a page, particularly if no image is contained within the page.
The add-on works with some limitations and workarounds for version Concrete 5.7. For example if we want to change an image appearing in an article, a new thumbnail is not generated. To get around this limitation we must either:
A) Clear the image from the Generated Thumbnail (Attribute Setting) and manually add the same image to the generate thumbnail field
B) Select and check disable 'Disable Automatically Generating Thumbnail' in attributes, clear the existing thumbnail and select the replacement image
C) Permanently delete an image from the file manager, thereby allowing another image on the page to appear as the thumbnail.
This bug also increase the time it takes us to create pages, because it forces us to create every page from scratch. When we attempt to use a similar page as a template by copying it, edit its content, and using a new image, the thumbnail image from the original article persists on the modified page. Even clearing the thumbnail and inserted another image from file manager does not change its thumbnail.
More importantly, when we've tried to upgrade to Concrete5 version 8 the upgrade fails and we receive an error related to ImageGrabber/YouTube Error (see attachment).
Initially the developer of this add-on suggested we disable the add-on before upgrading to version 5.8. We tried that but the update still failed because, according to or former developer, the uninstalling of the add-on caused another kind of error on pages as there remains some tables of that add-on in database.
Subsequent emails and voice messages asking Dave Rogers, the developer of the Thumbnail Generator, for assistance with these matters have gone unanswered.
We would like modifications to this add-on so it is able to achieve the following
1) Ability to easily upgrade to the latest version of Concrete5 version 8, preferably without having to disable the add-on or the add-on’s databases.
2) Ability for the add-on to register a replaced image (in article or assigned image) without the workarounds listed above, preferably with no more than a click to reindex the image the new image in article or assigned to the page.
3) Ability for us duplicate a page and have a newly inserted image easily indexed as the thumbnail
4) Easily update displayed thumbnails if any edits are made to image:
a) Cropping or other edits made to image in article using Concrete5 built in image editor
b) WatermarkNN add-on ( adds a wartermark to selected images and thumbnails.
5) Ability for the add-on to work as advertised. If we found these bugs, it is possible we have not detected all bugs. Ultimately we want the add-on to function as advertised without work-arounds.
Please submit your bid to complete this job if you are interested in helping us out.
James Grifing
Hello Mr. James,
Hope you are well.
I have sent you an PM.
Please have a look.
Warm Regards,
Norman F.
Hope you are well.
I have sent you an PM.
Please have a look.
Warm Regards,
Norman F.
Thank you for those that have reached out. I appreciate the support that the Concrete5 community offers.
I have decided to hire Mike Lay (aka: MLKY) to help us fix this add-on. Mike used to work for Portland Labs and contributed to the Concrete5 core codebase. He has actually worked with other clients who had similar problems with add-ons created by the same developer. He had specific ideas of what is causing the these issues and assured us that it would only take a couple of hours to repair. So it appears we have found the best person for the job, even better than the original developer of this add-on.
I have decided to hire Mike Lay (aka: MLKY) to help us fix this add-on. Mike used to work for Portland Labs and contributed to the Concrete5 core codebase. He has actually worked with other clients who had similar problems with add-ons created by the same developer. He had specific ideas of what is causing the these issues and assured us that it would only take a couple of hours to repair. So it appears we have found the best person for the job, even better than the original developer of this add-on.
I'm not sure if you are aware but these 'Jobs' posting go out to many, many folks who have subscribed to this forum over the years including many potential clients for future work who still subscribe. It's really not necessary for you to take every opportunity to passive-aggressively slam the original developer here in public. I don't have any clue why he is no longer interested in working with his add-ons because I don't have any connection with him whatsoever but I respect his decision. I'm sure it was not an easy decision to make. As a developer in this community, I did not put my hat in the ring on this job because I was nervous that if we parted ways for some reason, I would be the next to get slammed here in public.
And he also announced officially in this forum that he had to step away from his add-ons and he asked if anybody would be interested in taking over.
I don't know what happened with that but I'd say he doesn't deserve slamming.
I suppose eventually, his add-ons that are not supported anymore will simply be removed from the market.
I don't know what happened with that but I'd say he doesn't deserve slamming.
I suppose eventually, his add-ons that are not supported anymore will simply be removed from the market.
I would like to help yon on this. By the way are you trying to install 5.6 c5 plugin into 5.7? Both are different in many aspects. there should be a code rebuild.
Please look for my email and lets talk
C5 Freelancer