Reservation-System à la Apple Genius Bar


I am currently developing a new website for one of my clients (hairdresser).
We where thinking of publishing a calendar (Reservation-System à la Apple Genius Bar) on his website. In adittion, clients should be able to create online an meeting request. Therefore, they select date, time and name of hairdresser (one color per hairdresser -> makes planing easier, free or not, double booked), after that the meeting request is sent to the shop main email address.
Thru iPad and calendar function the hairdresser can accept or propose new waiting time.
After accepted meeting request meeting is not available in calendar anymore, same time frame can just be booked for other name of hairdresser.

Do you know what I mean? Is it possible?
Thx for your help, we are willing to pay you the application.


citytech2 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've sent you a PM.
CWSpear replied on at Permalink Reply
I've built some applications similar to this, and I think I could definitely help you out on this one. I've sent you a direct message with some details so we can talk more if you're interested.
areskea replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi everyone,

I'm also interested by that kind of solution.
Could you please help me ?
