site builder / tutor

I'm not a designer or coder, but I've 'built' a few iweb sites that worked fine on mobile me. Relocated to MacHighway and discovered C5. Also discovered my limitations (so sad!)

Looking to build a media /content site and gain better understanding of c5 going forward.

home pg @

Pritam replied on at Permalink Reply
Welcome to Concrete5 !! Since you already mentioned that you are neither a designer nor a coder, you could check the concrete 5 market place for themes that could serve your purpose, there are free themes as well as paid one's. Also, there's a comprehensive How-to's and Documentation section.

If you are looking for someone to set-up concrete 5 and do a custom theme for your website, please check my pm
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Have a go at this how-to and I think you will have your first theme up and going in a few hours: