Sub-Contract: Members List & Profile Creation

After spending weeks trying to figure this out for myself I have come up with nothing and so have decided to consider sub-contracting the work to someone who can.

I have created a casting agency website whereby production companies look at the members list, search and find someone that meets their requirements. They can then click on the member and see their details along with their photo gallery and vimeo video.

What I need to do is two things...

1. Create a filter function on my members page (I am using C5 built in members list single page). The filter will be in the right sidebar and should look similar to that of the filter on the C5 website - see here>

2. Secondly, I need to adapt the C5 built in profile so that it enables each member to have their own photo gallery and a vimeo video on their profile page. Each member will have a different set of photos and a different video but the layout of the page should be the same across all members.

Please feel free to email me with questions and quotes I would very much appreciate it. I would need the work completing within the next 2 weeks and I will have to agree all work and costs with my client before we go ahead.

From what I have read this should not be too difficult a task but I can't do it so I must not be as clever as I thought haha.

Thank you for your time.
