Theme Developer - Experimental project

Not sure if this is possible...

I want to publish magazine articles as posts/pages in pure HTML5/CSS3, then save them as PDF. Challenge is, I really need a Theme that would allow me to us CSS3 magic to make posts/pages look EXACTLY like magazine pages (think of Indesign layout....text flows around images, text flow from one column to another etc)

1) Here is a link that describes my need:
2) I plan to use a PDF generation service that requires HTML files, and they provide the following guidelines:

- Use full URLs for Assets. (use absolute paths or full URLs).
- Use internal CSS and JavaScript

Is there a Developer who can provide what I am looking for? Or is the project just too crazy?

shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
this is interesting and most certainly doable. It might be challenging to react automatically to any kind of shapes in terms of text flowing around images but with some more information and sample material I could tackle this.

Please get in touch. Thanks
sambeyene replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for replying shotrox.
Do you think I might even be better off with flat-file blogs, instead of the more powerful CMS like Concrete5? The reason I say that is because the text and images would not be served from a database. Each post/article contains all text and assets. What do you think?
shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not sure what you mean by that. The blog posts have to come from a database. Otherwise you'd have HTML pages and you would not need an automatic workflow of any kind.