Trouble Shooting Concrete5 Platform

Need Help:

I have a client site on Concrete5 CMS. It is set in Advanced Permissions. We have the "super user" login.

The Current Home page Settings- Permission for "View" is set to only "Registered Users" and Not "Guest" excluding everyone we want to see the site. (see CurrentPermissionSet.png) We know "Guest" exists because we see this set in File Permisisons (see FileManager-Guest.png)

Even when trying to "EDIT" the Home page it Errors out (see HomePageEditError.png)

However when you try to set permissions on that page it provides a drop down. (see AddAccessEntity.png) it just spins indefinitely.

So looking at We tried to access the "Members" section to create or access the "Guest" Every time it errors out. (ErrorPage-MEMBER.png)

All this leads me to believe that the Concrete5 Platform is corrupted. I need an expert in Concrete5 to:
1. Help get the site visible to the public "Guest"
2.Or have the skills to copy and reinstall the site on a clean version


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BreakfastStudio replied on at Permalink Reply

I can help you with this. I sent you a PM.

Kind Regards,
aspirestrategic replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks BFS - Just replied in PM- please confirm.