Very slow website
Hi - we have a website that we built a while back using the e-commerce plugin in concrete 5.6. The site seems to be incredibly slow and we we are suspicious of rogue javascript codes slowing up the load speed. However this isn't an area of expertise of ours - I wondered if anyone would have a look for us and to troubleshoot this? The site is if you could have a look and let me know.
Just tried to call you from the number on your website but it comes up invalid
Just tried to call you from the number on your website but it comes up invalid
Here is your Performance report.
It is a bit slow I give you that but you have another problem: you are not loading jquery so superfish menu, fancybox, and your product list script are all screaming for help, throwing errors, and refusing to work.
You should first modify your theme to make sure jquery is loaded.
If you're not sure how to feel free to contact me.
It is a bit slow I give you that but you have another problem: you are not loading jquery so superfish menu, fancybox, and your product list script are all screaming for help, throwing errors, and refusing to work.
You should first modify your theme to make sure jquery is loaded.
If you're not sure how to feel free to contact me.
@mnakalay is exactly correct about loading jquery, your other scripts need jquery to function, so it must be loaded BEFORE your other dependant scripts get loaded..
Everyone is correct about your jquery not loading. I'm sure that is causing an issue with your page speed. Here is the Google Page speed report.
While the missing jQuery is a bug, a TTFB of 9 to 12 s on the page html occurs before any jQuery issue is even noticed in the browser. confirms @JohntheFIsh is correct. A page reload (with assets cached in the browser) still takes over 8 seconds for TTFB (Time To First Byte).
A clear indicator = time for a much better host :(
A clear indicator = time for a much better host :(
Please check PM.