Google map with markers from a pagelist array
Hey all, I have 1000's of property listings on a site. You can search for them by zip, city etc. I have hidden Page Attributes of Latitude / Longitude. I am able to display the array of results on screen but, I need to turn those into markers on a google map. Will need to pass the Property Name attribute to the markers and the property url to the markers as well.
Anyone have any direction on something like this?
Anyone have any direction on something like this?
So I have successfully got the google maps pagelist. The markers are showing the url of each page. What I need to do is have the Property name display as a link to the URL. I am loading both and can display one or the other. However, when I try to add both of them to the "Values:" , the map won't load at all. Here is my code:
Anyone have any ideas?
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#map<?php echo $bID; ?>").gmap3({ map:{ center: true, zoom: 15, }, marker: { values: [<?php echo implode(',', $addressesurl); ?>], events:{ click: function(marker, event, context){ var map = $(this).gmap3("get"), infowindow = $(this).gmap3({get:{name:"infowindow"}}); if (infowindow){
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Anyone have any ideas?