mySQLi error on install
Hi.. I'm getting this error installing v5.6.3.5 on a hosting account which already has a 5.6 install for another site a few years ago:
mysqli error: [1048: Column 'uID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Config (cfKey,cfValue,uID) VALUES ('NEWSFLOW_LAST_VIEWED','FIRSTRUN',NULL)")
Looking at the C5 forums I'm not the first to experience this (hosting is GoDaddy, yuk) but none of the workarounds have worked so far. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If it helps, PHP is set to v5.4 and I've tried MySQL v5.0 and v5.5. I've also reuploaded and tried several different databases.
mysqli error: [1048: Column 'uID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Config (cfKey,cfValue,uID) VALUES ('NEWSFLOW_LAST_VIEWED','FIRSTRUN',NULL)")
Looking at the C5 forums I'm not the first to experience this (hosting is GoDaddy, yuk) but none of the workarounds have worked so far. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If it helps, PHP is set to v5.4 and I've tried MySQL v5.0 and v5.5. I've also reuploaded and tried several different databases.
That makes some sense... thanks for the advice. Unfortuately, it's a shared hosting account with GoDaddy and they won't switch off strict mode, plus I have no access to the SQL server.
It seems you can no longer use Concrete5 on a GoDaddy shared hosting server. Time to suggest to client to move to a different hosting provider. J
It seems you can no longer use Concrete5 on a GoDaddy shared hosting server. Time to suggest to client to move to a different hosting provider. J
I keep MySQL strict on my main dev system and have had no problem installing c5.6.3.5 and sample content.
Another possibility is you are experiencing a secondary error caused by something earlier in the install process failing - though I don't have any idea what it may be.
Another possibility is you are experiencing a secondary error caused by something earlier in the install process failing - though I don't have any idea what it may be.
Ah, okay... that's interesting. Could it be the sample content? I always install without... J
No harm in trying with the sample content. That is a difference between my successful install and your problem.
If you find that works, you can then use the c5 command line to get everything back to an empty site.
Hi... well, it's not that. For information, I tested with sample content... and we have the same error.
There's are plenty of stuff on the GoDaddy community about this problem. Luckily, client has decided to move hosting. Thanks for your help! J
There's are plenty of stuff on the GoDaddy community about this problem. Luckily, client has decided to move hosting. Thanks for your help! J
that is a myqsl strict_mode error.