Open in new page
I've a site with some custom packages that produce a list of entries. Currently when you click on an entry it opens on the same page. I'd like it to open in a new window, but nothing I've tried works. Any help?
<tr class="ccm-list-record <?php echo $striped?>"> <td class="ccm-<?=$searchType?>-list-cb" style="vertical-align: middle !important"> <input type="checkbox" <?php if($noO->siteOwner != $agentID && $noO->siteOwner != $brokerID){ echo 'disabled';}?> value="<?php echo $noO->getAttendeesID()?>" /> </td> <?php $slist = AttendeesAttributeKey::getColumnHeaderList(); foreach($slist as $ak) { ?> <td <?php if($noO->siteOwner == $agentID || $noO->siteOwner == $brokerID){ ?> onclick="location.href='<?php echo View::url('/dashboard/attendees/add_attendee/edit/' . $noO->getAttendeesID());?>';" <?php }
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The new window could get blocked by popup blockers too, just something to make a note of.