Upgrading Concrete5 from 5.6.0 to

Hi Team,
I am new to concrete5, I was trying to update existing website from 5.6.0 to through Dashboard but when i click on install concrete5 gives me 500 internal error.
latest version is downloaded in /updates folder but while installing it has some problem.
I have also tried through manually putting updated file in /updates folder but still it gives me same error. Website has its own theme .

Thanks in advance

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Please check the release notes for intervening versions. You may not be able to do it all in one step.

I vaguely remember a bug in the upgrade early in 5.6. So you may need to manually patch a core file to enable the upgrader to work. Again, the details will be in the release notes.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Whenever I've updated sites from 5.6.0 to I've had to do two steps 5.6.3 and then, I would also recommend doing the manual replace the core method described here -https://legacy-documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials/manually-upgrad...

Also, if you have tried unsuccessfully to upgrade and get a Server 500, your server error log should tell you what the issue is.