Upgrading from 5.6 to 5.7 / 8 because PHP is upgraded - how to?

Dear braintrust,

I have created several websites for clients 5 years ago using Concret5. All work, all happy customers. Since then have changed direction, and not been spending any time with Concrete5.

Now customers are calling me, panicked: their web hotels are all upgrading to PHP 7, leaving their sites blank...and afaik, the only way around us to upgrade to 5.7 or 8?

My problem is this; I don't know where to start? Or how? I see there's a migration tool on GitHub - but how does it work? Found an 18 minute video, which gave me galloping anxiety just listening to ("multiple errors", "code around", "CIS-format")? I'm a "soft-coder", WYSIWYG website-builder-guy - all the hardcore coding leaves me cold / out of skill...

I hope one of you kind souls will help me out? Apparently have till december 3rd 2018 before the web hotel shuts off PHP 5 for good... :-O

Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
You do not actually need to migrate to v8 in a hurry (it might be reasonable for the future), because some community members got the GitHub Legacy version to run with php7.2:

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
I have upgraded several 5.6 sites to run on PHP7 just recently, it can be tricky if you have addons that are not compatible with PHP7, however with some debugging they can usually be made to work.
If you want this done as a paid job, get it touch..
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The process is to update to, then simply replace the code with code downloaded from github. You can do that with your server's current php version (php5.6.xx) and check it runs smoothly.

Then you can use the host cPanel or equivalent to switch on php7.2. If you need addon updates:

- If they are available as zip from the marketplace or developer, switch back to php5.6 to get a working dashboard, install the updates, switch back to php7.2

- If not, stay running php7.2 and work through the error messages. It will mostly be function calls that need a dummy parameter or similar, or deprecated functions.

- For the eCommerce addon, I have published a list of changes required for php7 and php7.2. https://www.c5magic.co.uk/add-ons/zone-based-shipping/php7/...

With the closure of the legacy marketplace, the eCommerce license is now open, so when I have a few minutes to spare I will be publishing a zip with the above updates.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
If I have understood the original post correctly, the hosting company are switching to PHP7 without the option to switch back to a previous version.
If that is the case, any non-compatible addons have the potential to crash the site.
And the OP has already stated
"I'm a "soft-coder", WYSIWYG website-builder-guy - all the hardcore coding leaves me cold / out of skill..."