3 Column setup in Concrete5?
Hey all, I am trying to figure out where do I go to find a layout that has 3 columns? so there would be a Left Column, Main, Right Column? I see the ones for Just a right column, and just a left column...
Hey Ryan,
There are several themes in the marketplace that have 3 column layouts ( ie. Whitespace ) that state the page layouts in their description.
Don't be fooled by just viewing the line art thumbnails showing for "Page type"... they don't always graphically represent the page correctly. I've also seen many 3- column page styles labeled "home" etc.
A Very versatile solution available on many themes is to select the "Full Page" option and select "add layout" instead of add block to main. The Add Layout option will permit you do divide the main block into separate columns at widths you can manually change for best fit.
Experiment a little and have fun!
There are several themes in the marketplace that have 3 column layouts ( ie. Whitespace ) that state the page layouts in their description.
Don't be fooled by just viewing the line art thumbnails showing for "Page type"... they don't always graphically represent the page correctly. I've also seen many 3- column page styles labeled "home" etc.
A Very versatile solution available on many themes is to select the "Full Page" option and select "add layout" instead of add block to main. The Add Layout option will permit you do divide the main block into separate columns at widths you can manually change for best fit.
Experiment a little and have fun!
<!-- column-one -->
<div id="content"><div class="col-one">
$a = new Area('Main');
<!-- column-two -->
<div class="col-two side-col">
$a = new Area('Sidebar');
<!-- column-three -->
<div class="col-three">
$a = new Area('Column Three');
<!-- contents end here -->
Hope it helps.