adding a theme

If I download a theme and not assign it to a project how is it added to a project later on.

i am having all sorts of trouble asigning a theme to a project as well. When I go back to the site to edit the theme is not here. Is there some instructions somewhere I can follow

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Login to your C5 account, then go to My Account->Projects->"Click on your project".
Then scroll down to the bottom and find "Add an add-on or theme to this project by selecting it from the list below, and clicking "Associate." "

Note: If you already assign a theme or add-on into a project, it won't be available to assign in another project. You need to release them first from the other project and assign it to your new project.

gwood replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks rony,

does that mean then if I use a theme or add-on in a project and release it for another one that the first project wont have those components anymore and the site could be possibly broken?
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes you are right. If you purchase any add-on or theme from marketplace, it means you have rights to use them in only single instance (Note: In case you have purchased 5 license, you can use it in 5 sites).
