Changes to page_theme.php aren't automatically picked up

I've read other posts complaining that changes or adding a page_theme.php to a theme isn't being reflected in the system. One discussion mentioned that this file is only parsed and included when a theme is installed. So making a change to the file would require uninstalling and reinstalling the theme.

Is there any plans to add a "Refresh" button to the list of installed themes that would pull in changes immediately to page_theme.php and other changes that are normally only checked on install? I don't like the idea of uninstalling a template (you have install another one first because you must always have a minimum of one template installed).

Also, where in the theme install source code does the page_theme.php get parsed? I can't find it and don't see anywhere in the database that indicates it.

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Only if a theme is installed without a page_theme.php file does it need to be reinstalled after it is made. Making changes to this file after it already exists in an installed them should reflect any changes made to it. Perhaps you need to turn off your site cache for development and clear your site cache?
systematic1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I created my own theme and didn't start with a page_theme.php file. It just seems strange that it can't automatically sense when a new page_theme.php file is added without reinstalling the theme.

I might consider being a code contributor once I get more familiar with the code.
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's probably a method only called on install, and it otherwise would need to be called on every page view - which would be tremendously unnecessary, but I'm not for sure how its set up.
systematic1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Probably. I am assuming that uninstalling a theme doesn't remove content that is tied to it, correct? Otherwise, I might just make a copy of the theme (with the page_theme.php), install it, and activate it. I just don't want to risk losing content just to get the new file installed.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Content in theme specific area names will be hidden, but is still in the database and will reappear when a page type with matching area names is assigned.

Main and Sidebar are usually OK. But areas line Main-Lower-Left are unlikely to be common across themes by different designers.
systematic1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! So content is not necessarily tied to a specific theme, but to area names. That's good to know. I am assuming that if two different themes used the same area name & page type, that content would show in both.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct on both assumptions.