Changing the length of the autonav in elemental theme
I would like to change the length of the elemental theme for the autonav. I would like to make the site title area and the search area smaller in the header and the navigation longer. I assumed I have to change something in the /concrete/themes/elemental/css/build/header.less but even though I tried some values, I am not sure what I am doing so I would appreciate if someone knows how to do it.
I would like to change the length of the elemental theme for the autonav. I would like to make the site title area and the search area smaller in the header and the navigation longer. I assumed I have to change something in the /concrete/themes/elemental/css/build/header.less but even though I tried some values, I am not sure what I am doing so I would appreciate if someone knows how to do it.
Classes like "col-sm-4 col-xs-6" will build your columns. This is the Bootstrap way of telling how wide a column may be for each device type (sm = small, xs = extra small). You can see an example of Bootstrap's grid here: