Concrete - Systems & Settings - Bulk Updater - referencing a removed theme
This is a simple question - albeit it stumps the heck out of me and the fear of diddling around with the mySQL database and damaging other settings brings me to the following question for those who are much wiser then me :
I set up a Concrete5 8.3.2 fresh install.
- Added a couple of themes - to play around with
- Finally ended up liking one theme over another
- Removed one of the theme candidates that I wasn't planning to use
And in the end I built the web site using one of the last themes I had installed and activated
But it seems that the Concrete5 didn't adequately remove all remnants of the deleted theme from the mysql database
For example :
From the Dashboard I go to the "System and Settings" Page
- Go to the options for "SEO & Statistics"
- Click on the link for "Bulk SEO Updater"
It tries to go for the following link :
Instead of it loading the 'Bulk SEO Updater" page I instead get an error saying :
Class Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Attribute\Color\Controller does not exist
So for some reason it it is referencing that previously removed 'theme' ( ie Supermint)
When I take a look at the various options and their links listed under the "SEO & Statistics" I can see the following :
" URLs and Redirection" links to -
" Bulk SEO Updater" links to -
" Tracking Codes" links to -
" Excluded URL Word List" links to -
" Search Index" links to -
So it is easy to see that 'one of these things is not like the others... ie the cID=90 url as compared to what you would normally expect the link to be -
IF I happen to simply try to lie to the Concrete5 and try to go to the link directly via I end up simply getting a 'page not found'
So I was wondering if there is something I can do with the mySQL database to adjust it to stop referencing the previously removed Supermint entry or entries and have it
a ) simply start using either the original installation default for the "Bulk SEO Updater" or...
b ) start using the presently active theme, or
c ) buy one of the SEO add ons and install it ( hoping that it would over-ride the control of the bulk SEO updater - with my biggest fear being that it might believe the present Supermint reference and screw things up worse by making reference or using the incorrect data that is already in the mySQL database )
I set up a Concrete5 8.3.2 fresh install.
- Added a couple of themes - to play around with
- Finally ended up liking one theme over another
- Removed one of the theme candidates that I wasn't planning to use
And in the end I built the web site using one of the last themes I had installed and activated
But it seems that the Concrete5 didn't adequately remove all remnants of the deleted theme from the mysql database
For example :
From the Dashboard I go to the "System and Settings" Page
- Go to the options for "SEO & Statistics"
- Click on the link for "Bulk SEO Updater"
It tries to go for the following link :
Instead of it loading the 'Bulk SEO Updater" page I instead get an error saying :
Class Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Attribute\Color\Controller does not exist
So for some reason it it is referencing that previously removed 'theme' ( ie Supermint)
When I take a look at the various options and their links listed under the "SEO & Statistics" I can see the following :
" URLs and Redirection" links to -
" Bulk SEO Updater" links to -
" Tracking Codes" links to -
" Excluded URL Word List" links to -
" Search Index" links to -
So it is easy to see that 'one of these things is not like the others... ie the cID=90 url as compared to what you would normally expect the link to be -
IF I happen to simply try to lie to the Concrete5 and try to go to the link directly via I end up simply getting a 'page not found'
So I was wondering if there is something I can do with the mySQL database to adjust it to stop referencing the previously removed Supermint entry or entries and have it
a ) simply start using either the original installation default for the "Bulk SEO Updater" or...
b ) start using the presently active theme, or
c ) buy one of the SEO add ons and install it ( hoping that it would over-ride the control of the bulk SEO updater - with my biggest fear being that it might believe the present Supermint reference and screw things up worse by making reference or using the incorrect data that is already in the mySQL database )

One additional thing to consider here. I went to the system files in the dashboard and thought I could maybe get the Bulk SEO updater fixed by using an earlier 'version' of that page. Oddly enough even the earliest version still pointed to the same link as the latter 'versions'. So I just thought I would mention it - so that rules out any possible 'roll back to an earlier version' as an answer.