Concrete5 Codes gudies

I am new to C5, wanting to understand function of these codes for example... To start with this

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>

I suppose there are code guidelines somewhere so I can understand where to implement C5 Theme codes when building theme.

Links or source would be nice.

Thank in advance...

jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 is written in PHP (as well as HTML, CSS and Javascript) so a passing familiarity at least is really essential to understanding the coding.

The code snippet you identify is typically used at the beginning of C5 PHP program files. Its purpose is to require that the program be run within the context of a Concrete 5 application and not accessed by a rogue user.

There is documentation available, but this is a common idiom for PHP, and so won't be made explicit typically.

But, you don't need to know all about this to develop your own theme. Using existing template code as a base will get you far. Here's some documentation on the process:
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
JohntheFish has identified the major aspects of web development with links to on-line resources. You may find this of value:
APrather replied on at Permalink Reply
WOW....FANTASTIC resources.... Thank you jvansanten!