Concrete5.7 running in subdirectory
Hi guys, I have installed Concrete5.7 in a subdirectory /2015. Now I got it running because of this post form feb 2012:
(I skipped step 4 because I did site.php different)
In the 3rd step you have to edit config/site.php.
So I did this:
define('BASE_URL', '');
define('DIR_REL', '/2015');
define('ENABLE_CMS_FOR_PATH', '');
( again, I did not do step 4 editing the concrete/libraries/request.php file. )
But the tutorial says it should be like this:
define('DIR_REL', '');
define('DIR_REL2', '/c5');
define('ENABLE_CMS_FOR_PATH', '');
( plus changing DIR_REL to DIR_REL2 the concrete/libraries/request.php file. )
But which one is better / the correct way to do this and not have problems when updating concrete5?
(I skipped step 4 because I did site.php different)
In the 3rd step you have to edit config/site.php.
So I did this:
define('BASE_URL', '');
define('DIR_REL', '/2015');
define('ENABLE_CMS_FOR_PATH', '');
( again, I did not do step 4 editing the concrete/libraries/request.php file. )
But the tutorial says it should be like this:
define('DIR_REL', '');
define('DIR_REL2', '/c5');
define('ENABLE_CMS_FOR_PATH', '');
( plus changing DIR_REL to DIR_REL2 the concrete/libraries/request.php file. )
But which one is better / the correct way to do this and not have problems when updating concrete5?