Converting bootstrap theme

This is the first time I have converted a bootrap theme I purchased, however there are some images missing.... Here is how its ment to look:

and here is mine:

background image missing in about section, wont scroll in edit mode, bottom social icons missing

please help

shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
most likely jquery is loaded twice in edit mode and that's why scrolling is not working in edit mode
background image is missing in the image folder or might have been renamed?
social media icons are also missing images most likely
shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
looks like they use font-awesome for the social media icons, just make sure the library is loaded and you are good to go
johnkidd replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for responding Shotrox! I ended up changing header info around and seemed to work. Im unable to get styles to work in edit mode? Any ideas?