Convertng HTML theme to concrete5 cms

Hi everyone. I'm having trouble when I attempt to separate my default.php into header.php, footer.php, default.php.

All together everyting works fine, I have the edit toolbar, can create blocks without issue, but, when following the video tutorial, Matt takes the header content, puts into it's own header.php, and same with footer.

When I add the
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); $this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>

to my default.php after removing header content and placing in separate header.php file, these are my results:

Could someone tell me what it is I'm doing wrong, please?

exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to put the header.php and footer.php inside of an elements folder inside of the themes folder. It looks like those files don't exist in that location.
grfirst replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes they are inside the elements folder. That's what's so puzzling.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You need to clear the cache in the dashbaord before they will render again.
grfirst replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, Thanks Patrick.

That led me in the right direction. I cleared cache and that didn't work, then I remembered the discussion about Cache & Speed Settings at beginning of video which I thought I had turned off, but "Block Cache" and "Overrides Cache" were still set to on. Changed those radio buttons to off and all is good and I'm back in business.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, always a good win when something works out!