Custom template Form block


I'm experiment with integrating a theme based on the Bulma css framework.
I made an object and a frontend form (see screenshot) for the object.
So like every css-framework, a form field has his own css-classes.
How adding the correct Bulma css-classes to the form fields?

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admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi ctuxboy,

Have you added the custom classes to the getThemeBlockClasses() method in the theme's page_theme.php file? This video may give you an idea:
ctuxboy replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi myq,

Thanks for the useful info.
At the moment i found a file(/concret/elements/form/bootsrap3.php) and replace this file for overriding in /application/elements/form/bootsrap3.php (see screenshot)

In this file i can customizing a lot and adding the necessary css-classes.

But i read also the manual you answer to me. Very handy :-)

My next question: how rename 'bootstrap3.php' to 'bulma.php', whitout 'broken' my template? So the connection don't lose to this template file? I reaad it about, but hard to understand.
(I'm not an OOP-guru :-/ )