custom theme wont display images

Being totally new to this I was very surprised that I managed to install a theme I downloaded from a template site (as demo'ed on the tutorial) and have it work perfectly.

I tried the same exact process with a custom site I built and it loads the page but not the images.

I did not have to change the image paths individually on the downloaded template, so i do not think I would have to on my site.

when I view source, the page is properly linking to the style sheet.

here is a link to the page:

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

dstew99 replied on at Permalink Reply
It does look like path problems.
Note the space in src attributes:
<div class="servicesBanner">
            <img src="/themes/powersystem images/servicesImageOne.jpg" style="float: left" />
            <img src="/themes/powersystem images/servicesImageTwo.jpg" style="float: right" />

and the lack of /themes/powersystem/ here:
<img src="images/pseLogoFooter.gif" style="float: left; padding: 0 20px 0 0" />

Ignore the php tags, they are caused by this post.


A good way to fix this is to use:
<img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath();?>/imagename.jpg"

in your theme.
brianriv replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I did manage to get one image in the footer to show up, by using that last line of code.

Do i need to apply to that same line to the style sheet href and the images referenced therein too?
dstew99 replied on at Permalink Reply
No. However, you want to make the path relative to the location of the css file.
brianriv replied on at Permalink Reply
that worked for the images referenced in the html, but it is not picking anything up from the style sheet... am i still missing something?

Thank you so much for all of your help!