Customization and CSS in subfolder?
I am trying to accomplish a couple of things:
1. Keep folder structure organized (ie. CSS subfolder)
2. Customize a theme
Unfortunately, in order to customize a theme, it appears that my CSS must be in root rather than subfolder.
Any suggestions on how I can move my CSS back to subfolder and still be able to customize a theme?
I am trying to accomplish a couple of things:
1. Keep folder structure organized (ie. CSS subfolder)
2. Customize a theme
Unfortunately, in order to customize a theme, it appears that my CSS must be in root rather than subfolder.
Any suggestions on how I can move my CSS back to subfolder and still be able to customize a theme?
Just go through all your template files (such as "default.php", "full.php", "left_sidebar.php", etc. - OR the "/elements/header.php" file, if that's what your particular theme uses) and update the path information in the page header to reflect the new location of your css files.
getThemePath() points to the root directory of the current theme.