Customize Theme
Permalink#page-wrap { /* customize_page_wrap_background_color */background-color: #FFFFFF;/* customize_page_wrap_background_color */ }
Is there a way to correct this short of uninstalling the theme and then re-installing (assuming that would work)? Several of the theme's blocks are being used on the site and I don't want to mess up the content by uninstalling. If that's an incorrect assumption, please let me know.
As far as cached CSS, nothing is cached at the moment but even if it was, I can see the changes with a refresh when I revert to the original CSS so I have to assume the CSS isn't cached. Even so, I have cleared the cache and viewing the source code shows the most recently uploaded CSS file. I'm stumped.
Everything is cached. Go to site - files, look for the css folder, then look for the css file pertaining to your theme, Is it the right one?
Does not matter if you change the themes css, look at your cached css, is it the same as your current theme css?
Some style changes will behave, some will not.
If you could give me a url to look at I might be able to help further.
Try looking at the 'cached' css file and modify it.
View the source of your website, click to view the css. Is it the modified or the original?