Customizing background and navigation background images?
This question was never answered. Is it possible to give the user the ability to attach background images using this customization button?
Do you mean like this: ?
Not sure.. I can't see the back-end.. Essentially I'm just looking to automate the integration process. I pretty much use the same style sheet with all of my site.. no matter how custom they are. I start with a dummy site.. and customize it as opposed to starting from scratch. I change the background, then the nav background, then the link colors, then the container background, etc.. I would LOVE the ability to just automate that whole process with browse buttons and color swatches so that anyone could do it.
Well you can change to background color in the typography.css but not an image, like on the site referenced. The only things you can change in the typography.css are colors and fonts. And the fonts are limited to whats available in Tiny MCE. You cant call a google font.