Dark chocolate header and nav links

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I have the Dark Chocolate theme installed. The title of the site in the header bar is not displaying the title as I have set it. How can I change that? Also, I would like to change the font color of the site title and the navigation links. I tried customizing the theme, but it didn't change those elements.

artistbook replied on at Permalink Reply
I am seeing the same problem. The "hedaer nav" bar is too wide and therefore I can not click on the site title for editing. Has anyone else found a solution yet?
akegb3 replied on at Permalink Reply
I just installed the Dark chocolate theme last night and noticed I couldn't edit the title header either. Has anyone figured this out, or have you moved on to another theme? Thx, newby!
ttianna replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, I never figured it out. I think you have to change the actual code files, but I don't really know anything about MySQL or PHP, so I just lived with it.
akegb3 replied on at Permalink Reply
Bummer, I'm in the same boat as far as knowing MySQL or PHP...that's why I chose this product. Thanks for responding.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
This is how one would go about assigning a stack to the My_Site_Name area semi-manually. Although im sure your just missing something small and this is probably overkill here it is.

Go to stacks, create a new one and name it something like "site logo" or what not. Now add your logo or image to the stack by adding a block. Now click the block you added and select "custom template" and name it My_Site_Name in the block name area and save. Refresh site cache browser cache etc and there it is.

Screenshot attached.
akegb3 replied on at Permalink Reply
After a few tries, this worked great. Thanks very much!
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
Can't you change the title by going to dashboard>>system settings>>site name ?

For Dark Chocolate, you can change the title colour, links, background colour etc by going to dashboard>>themes and selecting customise.
akegb3 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll have to take a look at this too...thanks for the reply!
frolicbb replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same problem....

But I have had to toss out the idea of using "header nav"
"header nav" is where the page name went, and anything else in this area displays as a layer over the other sections.

from the header.php file, (for dark_chocolate/elements)
I removed the section for "My_Site_Name" to clear the default name appearing on top of the body and header stuff

To remove the HR/Divider that was below the header,
I removed <!--<div class="divider"></div>--> from the top of the "header-area"
and should remove the whole div called "header-nav" to clean up the edit page, and keep from getting confused when on the edit screen.

These "header-nav" parts are overlayed even in the edit mode.

I hope this helps others
If I mis-understood something, let me know.