"District" Theme
I am working with the District theme and according to its specs, I am supposed to be able to drop in a "cover photo" that takes up the top 3rd of the page (on every page) and this area displays behind a Flash photo block element I have in place already.
The screen shots for this Theme shows barely how you're supposed to be able to set the Cover Photo... so I am lost on how to do it.
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks..
The screen shots for this Theme shows barely how you're supposed to be able to set the Cover Photo... so I am lost on how to do it.
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks..
Thanks man really appreciate it!!
Yes, the video in Documentation is great. I searched for ages for the answer and it was there all the time. I was having problems customising Greek Yogurt (like so many others) and I found a recommendation in the forum for District. It's design is based on GY but it's loads better to work with and at around US$25 it's not expensive way to improve the look and feel of your site. It dropped straight in. Simples!