Edit font size in Greek_Yogurt theme
I understand it's a default theme but all I want to do is drop the h2 font size down a few points. I've edited the css under /concrete/themes but to no avail.
Chrome tells me the css is being called from /index.php/tools/css/themes/greek_yogurt/typography.css
Of course I realize there is some tokenizing going on in that url.
Can anyone help me?
Chrome tells me the css is being called from /index.php/tools/css/themes/greek_yogurt/typography.css
Of course I realize there is some tokenizing going on in that url.
Can anyone help me?
Dashboard > Themes > (select theme) > Customise and you can adjust lots or add css to override existing css.
If you want to do more, you can also look at my Style Quickie addon which uses a block containing a LESS/CSS development environment to add CSS to the header.