Em and Px

When allowing fonts to be customised, through the themes area, C5 seems to automatically use pixels which isn't too much of a problem. Can this be changed in the dashboard?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
not in the dashboard but in the code probbably
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
I just want to mention that px and ems are meant to be used together in good website design. Thinking that only one is the dominant unit is wrong.

- PX are meant for usage on elements that should not scale upon a users font-size increase

- EMs are for the other elements that you want to scale when the user pushes A+ or A-

not having control for ems in the dashboard could mean that you should customize that manually.

I don't know if that was intended or a missing feature, but I tell you: "I is really hard to control an dynamically sized font!"

EM depend on their parents and their parents font-size etc. they're not that easy to control.