Footer Layout Gone
One of the people in my organization deleted the sitewide footer through the site (not deleting the footer.php file). I now have a "Empty Page Footer Area" and "Empty Sitewide Footer Site Title Area" and "Empty SiteWide Footer Legal Area" as well as the "Empty Sitewide Footer Navigation Area" and Empty Sitewide Footer Contact Area". I have copied the main folder and everything before each upgrade I have done to concrete5 and so I tried taking the footer.php file and the footer_bottom.php file and copying it from the backup into my current project and that does not bring back any of the data that was in those areas. Can anyone help me get this info back?

did you try going back on versions?
Yea,I think due to updating possibly I was only able to see updates that
went back about five days and the deletion happened forget back. Im new to
concrete 5 so I don't know why I don't see versions even further back.
On Dec 21, 2014 9:56 PM, "concrete5 Community" <>
went back about five days and the deletion happened forget back. Im new to
concrete 5 so I don't know why I don't see versions even further back.
On Dec 21, 2014 9:56 PM, "concrete5 Community" <>