for C5 are there shipping addons for Fedex?? I see for UPS

Wondering if there is an addon for fedex shipping that can be used with the C5 ecommerce theme

my drop ship supplier uses fedex to ship, he suggested if i used ups for calculating ship rates probably better to use zone calc

antone run into this issue before???

how did u solve it if u did at all

Any suggestions welcome

Vivid replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're doing Concrete5 5.7, then you may be using our store. If so, we have fedex, UPS and USPS coming. You can also kind of replicate what zone based shipping does out of the box.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are on core eCommerce 5.6.x, then my Zone Based Shipping addon has been used by many sites using FedEx to set up shipping costs.

If you go the ZBS way, or Vivid-store's inbuilt shipping, the trick both from a setup and a maintenance point of view is to look at your real delivery costs - packaging, order handling, actual shipping, different shipping agents for different types of order or destination etc. Then implement a table that represents what you actually need.

Trying to do it all the other way round - to re-create all the many pages of FedEx (or other agent) shipping tables, before you have looked at what you actually need and most of which a shop will never actually use, is both long-winded to set up awkward to maintain.