Forum Font Issue


Just added forums and the Topics/Categories text is the same color as the highlighted background and you can't read it. I'm using a Black Accents theme but I don't see in the themes folder that name and I also don't see a /forums/ folder so I can't find any css file to change. Can anyone direct me to the place I may change that category background color so I can read the text? Thanks.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
the forums are installed to /packages/discussion (or something)

and yes, its the background which happens to be black,
Bishop replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks I found the file and have attached it here. Problem that I'm still having is I've gone through the entire page and cannot find a "black" color to change. Many grays, and a few other colors but no black so is it possible that the category/topic text backgound is a combination of two colors? Can anyone spot the exact line which I need to change? This is very difficult for me so thanks for any help.