Foundation 5 theme shows as single column in windows XP
PermalinkIf it's 800x600, foundation in default would use 'medium' breakpoint.
Thanks Again for the quick reply
basicly, using css you can create breakpoints (media queries), which decides how your website is displayed, based on screen resolution.
default foundation5 breakpoints are:
641 - 1024
so in your case, i think screen width was between 641 and 1024
depending on your requirements you can change them however you like.
if you have futher questions, feel free to ask
Probably an outdated browser. Foundation 5 is built on HTML5 and CSS3 which is not supported on dusty old browsers. I don't even know if IE8 will give you good results.
They should probably list the browsers that the theme supports, and I don't think that they do.