How can I edit the footer without scrapbook

Hi, I am new in the area and was hoping someone could please help me.
I'm building my first website, so not sure how stupid my question is. Please help me! ;-)

I have started the website recently and therefore I have the latest version of C5. Therefore, I don't have scrapbook, which seems to be my main problem. I can see many helpful info about my issue, but they all show solutions using Scrapbook.

I am building the website using the theme "Greek Yogurt". I have encountered only one problem, and it is to do with the footer. Can someone please help me and tell me if I can, and HOW I can edit the footer? I can change the colours, that's easy. But I wanted to:
1/ decrease its size, it is very wide;
2/ delete the link that says: "Built with concrete5 - an open source CMS";
3/ Have a personalised footer, with a maybe pic, nag-bar, and other blocks.

Just now I can neither make these changes into the existent footer (which comes with the theme), nor add a footer myself. I cannot even add one above it, as there is no Footer stack in the global area. I cannot see how I could add one to the global area myself.

The rest seems so straight forward with this theme, such as the other stacks available (header, subtitle, etc). However, the footer is really giving me headaches.
I really hope someone can help me!
Thank you very much!

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
You can find the footer.php file under ROOT/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/elements/ folder. You just need to add a piece of code to the footer.php, here it is:
   $a = new GlobalArea('Footer Area');

To decrease the size of footer, you need to customize the css. Its in ROOT/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/main.css

To delete the text in footer, you need to delete the below line from footer.php from ROOT/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/elements/ folder.

<p class="footer-tag-line"><?php echo t('Built with <a href="" alt="Free Content Management System" target="_blank">concrete5 - an open source CMS</a>')?></p>

Hope this helps!

!UPDATE: Also please have a look at the below link before doing any changes in the core theme.

mlelab replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rony,
Thank you very much for your quick reply, but I still am not sure what to do.

Where exactly do I find these folders and files? Can I find and edit them without scrapbook?
As I said, I don't have scrapbook cause my C5 is the latest version. Also, I'm new making websites, so I don't know exactly where I can insert these codes that you've provided.

Sorry, it must be quite obvious, but as it's my fist website, and I'm not a professional designer, I am not able to find any files or elements in my C5. Not sure if it's because my version doesn't have Scrapbook, or because I don't know where to look.

Thank you!
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Well scrapbook is a old book concept in previous C5 versions. But now you can use stacks instead. Stack is something by which you can add multiple blocks at a time and reuse it. If you need help to understand stack, follow the below url:

If you are local machine, try to go to C://xampp/htdocs/your_project/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/elements/ folder and fine footer.php, there you can edit the code what I've mentioned in prev post.

And if you are in server, then look into public_html/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/elements/footer.php

Let me know if this is clear enough!

mlelab replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rony,

Thanks again for the quick reply, I really appreciate it.
I understand how stacks work, have created a number, but I still cannot add one to my footer, cause I cannot edit my footer. I don't have an editable footer in my "global areas".

I assume I am on the server, cause I have nothing installed in my computer.
But I am not sure where I should look for the "public_html......" that you said.
Do I copy this to the address bar? If so, what does come before?
Sorry being such a pain, but as I said, I am not a designer and it's my first website. It must be very obvious, but I cannot see where I should insert this.

Thank you again!
mlelab replied on at Permalink Reply
I have found the "footer-tag-line" on the source code, but it doesn't let me edit it, I cannot delete anything, add anything.
How can I insert or delete anything from the source code?
I have a Mac and I'm using Safari (MAMP). Can this be the problem?

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
You need access via an ftp program like FileZilla.