How do i change the navigation text to different color in Inspiration Black.

I am using the Inspiration Black theme and was asked to changed the navigation links on the top of the page to white so it is easier to read. How do i edit these links?

lackadaize replied on at Permalink Reply
Generally if you have questions about a theme or add-on it's best to go to the page where you purchased the theme and click on the "Support" button to ask the developer how to best modify whatever it is that you bought. I can't seem to find your theme in the C5 marketplace so I'm guessing you got it on or something of the sort. You should be able to contact the developer wherever you bought it.

Aside from this, if you can access your file structure you could do the following:

1. Copy your theme folder from root/packages/(theme name) into root/themes . ( This will keep your theme from being overridden if/when you update the theme )
2. Within the folder you copied over find your main css file and open in notepad++ or whatever text editor you have.
3. Within this file find the element that corresponds to the navigation links and add the following code: .elementName ul { color: white; }. If you're not sure how to find the element you should right click in your browser on top of the element you want to edit and click on "Inspect Element" to look at the code. You should be able to find the name of the element from there and edit your css accordingly.

If you're unsure of any of this let me know. Also, if you could include your site url we can likely find the element that needs changing.