how to change my header

hi! can anyone tell me what to edit in my style.css file to get me logo infront of the header ? here is the page

...a lot of trying but i cant seem to make it :(

gabrielpsms replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know what exactly you want to do but, the piling order of sibling html elements is defined with the css-property "z-index:". The important part is "sibiling html elements"


   #layer1 {z-index:2;}
   #layer2 {z-index:1;}

This will work.
   <div id="layer1"></div>
   <div id="layer2"></div>

This won't work.
<div id="layer1"></div>
   <div id="layer2"></div>

If you need a workaround for previous case, just remember: siblings
   #layer1 {z-index:2;}
   #layer2-wrap {z-index:1;}

<div id="layer1"></div>
<div id="layer2-wrap">
   <div id="layer2"></div>
gabrielpsms replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you manage to solve it?
sparken replied on at Permalink Reply
hi! just got home! i have to say im pretty new to this, but if u go into the page ( i huess you know what i want for the logo in the left top. want it to go over the header also. I realy dont know if its possible with this theme or anything but i guess it will... i will look a bit at what you did write and see if it helps me anything :) are those codes in the style.css file within the theme file?

thx :)
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply

If you find this piece of code in your CSS, style.css, it should be on line 136
#logo h2 {
    color: #444444;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;

and then add this to it:

position: relative;

so it looks like this:

#logo h2 {
    color: #444444;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    position: relative;

That will then bring your h2 tag over the white bar, the only problem you have then is that your logo is a jpg, so its sides can be seen, I would suggest making that image a transparent PNG so it does not cover your text.

