How to make your own 5.7 Theme
Hey all,
I need to make some custom themes with 5.7.
Step 1: Make some quick changes to elemental to meet immediate needs.
Step 2: Create my own theme.
To do step 1, I copied elemental, and changed the folder name (obviously), changed page_theme.php and description.txt but it does not list on the theme page.
How do I install (and test) a custom made theme. How do I get it to display in the theme list. I'm using 5.7.2 currently.
I tried this:
But the links 404'd in the theme section.
I was reading this, but I suspect this is for 5.6 or earlier, and doesn't apply. It also didn't answer this question. Following those instructions clearly won't work.
Thank you.
I need to make some custom themes with 5.7.
Step 1: Make some quick changes to elemental to meet immediate needs.
Step 2: Create my own theme.
To do step 1, I copied elemental, and changed the folder name (obviously), changed page_theme.php and description.txt but it does not list on the theme page.
How do I install (and test) a custom made theme. How do I get it to display in the theme list. I'm using 5.7.2 currently.
I tried this:
But the links 404'd in the theme section.
I was reading this, but I suspect this is for 5.6 or earlier, and doesn't apply. It also didn't answer this question. Following those instructions clearly won't work.
Thank you.

I'm having this same problem, I can't edit the Elemental theme, even when its copied to a new location with the name changed. I also can't get the custom or created themes to show up in 5.7.2. Hopefully this post gets some more replies :)
I'm having this same problem. I did notice that my folder structure does not have the /applications/ folder and everything under it that the video about converting an HTML theme talks about. I'm wondering if my installation isn't installed correctly.
Well... that was interesting. I use Coda and when I went to terminal on my server, and looked the folder was there. I refreshed the folder list in Coda, and the Application folder was in fact there. The crazy thing is that I thought I refreshed that... Caffeine isn't working!
Here is the location of the new concrete5 5.7 developer documentation.
I've just update my custom theme starter boilerplate for 5.7.x, I've also put a short screencast together on how to start using it:
May be of help to some of you.
May be of help to some of you.
Hey thanks!