How to replace index.php with a page relevant to my site

I've got a website that I built in 1995 which is a whole bunch of flat html pages and I thought it might be nice to bring it up to date and add a few new features, so I installed Concrete 5.7 as it sounded easy to use. I downloaded and installed the cloneamental theme and have sort of worked out how to play with the editing controls but what I can't work out and can't find anywhere that tells me is how I replace the index.php file with something relevant to my website? As understand it that would be the page to which anyone entering the site url would be directed and as I don't want them to have to log in to access everything I can't see why I'd need a login page there - maybe a login box, but I can't edit the page at all. Am I misunderstanding something here?

dexcode replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi technoheckno,

Can you supply a link to your site so we can put the question in context with visuals.

You should not need a login page or you are viewing the admin login page unless the theme you installed has incorporated a login page. If you are visiting this page then you are going to the wrong url for the homepage of the site.

You just need to go to and you will see the frontpage. If you do NOT have Pretty URLs turned on then you will see

You may have the Public Registration set to on which I would assume shows a registration and login page. For basic sites, this would not be needed.

Anything that is uneditable on a page through the admin is hardcoded into the template files. This means you will need to go to application/themes/<your theme> to edit the page template files. The header and footer files are in application/themes/<your theme>/elements folder.

Basically though you should be able to take the code from your old site and and use it to build a new theme.

technoheckno replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dex,
Many thanks for the reply. I realise upon closer examination of the url that I am indeed being directed to the login page '' although I'm only typing '', I can't give you the site url currently as I'm accessing it by altering the hosts file on my computer while I develop it and leave the existing site 'live'. Doh!
Thanks for the rest of the explanation and advice.
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds to me like you have the page permissions for the home page set so the guest can't view the page. Go to your homepage and look at permissions and check guest can view page.
technoheckno replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Dex,
That was indeed the case. I have altered it so that now 'guest' can access all the pages below home. Is it possible to create a 'members' section of the site?
It seems as though when I try setting the permissions on the blog section to be only accessible to members that causes the login page to be served up instead of the homepage.

TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
In theory if you crest a members group or use the registered group and remove guest from the blog pages that is how you set up a members section.

If not logged in and you go to blog you'll get the log in page. This shouldn't affect you home page

Do you want me to take a look? Pm me if so
technoheckno replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the replies and the offer but I seem to have got it working now so that the blog is only available after login which is what I was after.
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
In theory if you crest a members group or use the registered group and remove guest from the blog pages that is how you set up a members section.

If not logged in and you go to blog you'll get the log in page. This shouldn't affect you home page

Do you want me to take a look? Pm me if so
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
In theory if you crest a members group or use the registered group and remove guest from the blog pages that is how you set up a members section.

If not logged in and you go to blog you'll get the log in page. This shouldn't affect you home page

Do you want me to take a look? Pm me if so
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
In theory if you crest a members group or use the registered group and remove guest from the blog pages that is how you set up a members section.

If not logged in and you go to blog you'll get the log in page. This shouldn't affect you home page

Do you want me to take a look? Pm me if so
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
In theory if you crest a members group or use the registered group and remove guest from the blog pages that is how you set up a members section.

If not logged in and you go to blog you'll get the log in page. This shouldn't affect you home page

Do you want me to take a look? Pm me if so