I accidentally removed autonav!!

I'm developing my first C5 site and so far am a little petrified.
I've gotten real good at customizing Wordpress, so I wanted to take it to the next level.
When I was poking around my site after installing C5 (super-easy install, BTW!), I was trying to removed unneccesary blocks that I didn't want showing up when the user adds a page. In doing so, I removed autonav...
I still see it in the core blocks directory via FTP, but I don't see a way to re-activate it.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.

Remo replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
No, I think you aren't missing anything. It's a bit tricky to get it back if you haven't looked into the code but easy if you know what to do.

Just edit a file from your theme (e.g. themes/tdbTheme/elements/header.php)

and add this line:

open your page, remove the line and autonav should be available again.
tdblanchard replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a ton for the quick reply!
Actually, I had to go into the core "concrete/elements/header_required.php" and add it there, then display the page, then remove.
Worked like a charm though.
Next, I gotta figure out how to use the autonav :)