Installing a new theme. Error Message

After installing my theme in the root/theme folder I get this error

File /home/jmoff/ not found. All themes need default.php and view.php files in them. Consult concrete5 documentation on how to create these files.

What can I do? I see default.php in the files the theme came with but not view.php

It is this theme

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
When you download and unzip the theme you linked to, it comes inside a "themes" folder. It looked like you copied that whole "themes" folder to inside your site's "themes" folder so now you have "themes" inside "themes", which is confusing the system (not to mention me and you).

So first uninstall the theme from your dashboard. Then move the "simplex" folder out of its "themes" folder into the higher-up "themes" folder. Also delete the un-needed and now empty lower-down "themes" folder. Then re-install the theme (refresh the dashboard page after you move the folder so it picks up the new location).