Javascript Conflict
I'm having trouble with my template. I think it's a javascript conflict but I have very little to no js experience.
My navigation should work like this:
But instead:
Can anyone help?
Thx, Arjan
I'm having trouble with my template. I think it's a javascript conflict but I have very little to no js experience.
My navigation should work like this:
But instead:
Can anyone help?
Thx, Arjan
Thanks Bob!
Only I can't seem to find the line where it's missing, if I search for "var Class = {", nothing comes up... :-(
Can you see on wich line it is?
Only I can't seem to find the line where it's missing, if I search for "var Class = {", nothing comes up... :-(
Can you see on wich line it is?
Oh, wait.
Sorry, my bad. Class is in mootools. I think you just need to move your library scripts above your other scripts so Class is defined before your other scripts need to use it.
Sorry, my bad. Class is in mootools. I think you just need to move your library scripts above your other scripts so Class is defined before your other scripts need to use it.
That doesn't seem to work either... It's driving me mad! Haha...
It did work, actually. Now you are getting a new error. Are you monitoring these in the console as the page loads?
I suggest putting your scripts in the exact order that they are in when minified in the working site, or perhaps even loading them using the snippet from the working site that is handling the minification:
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/bundle.js?b=assets/js&f=libraries/mootools-core-1.4.2.js,libraries/mootools-more-,classes/FadeGallery.js,classes/Navigation.js,classes/CdA.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/bundle.js?b=assets/js&f=libraries/mootools-core-1.4.2.js,libraries/mootools-more-,classes/FadeGallery.js,classes/Navigation.js,classes/CdA.js"></script>
Thanks Bob you're the man but... Still doesn't work and i can see the error in chrome but i just don't know how to solve it. Sorry, complete novice I'm affraid...
In the working version, there is a line in the minified javascript starting with
In the not working version, you are getting a Javascript error (in the console in Chrome developer tools) that "Class" is not defined. So that piece is missing. If you include the missing script where Class is defined, that error will go away.
Hope this helps.