Jquery conflict, area not editable

I'm having issues with my project's Jquery and C5 not playing nicely together. I thought I had everything figured out the other day when I removed my duplicate link to Jquery (since C5 calls its own), moved the <?php Loader::element('header_required'); ?> above all my other Javascript references, and moved the one JS reference giving me issues to the footer.php.

However now I'm realizing the editable areas I put in my template are not editable, and I've isolated the problem to the one script I moved to the footer. I'm still pretty new to Jquery and C5, so I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Here's the script giving me issues -

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.portfolio-hover').css({opacity: 0});
    jQuery('.current_project').stop().animate({opacity: 1}, 400);
}, function(){
     jQuery('.current_project').stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
/* Isotope -------------------------------------*/
     if( jQuery().isotope ) {
       jQuery(function() {
            var container = jQuery('.portfolio-items'),
                optionFilter = jQuery('#filters'),
                optionFilterLinks = optionFilter.find('a');

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have Firebug or something similar to output and Javascript errors. That would certainly help in finding the offending call.

You can also disable certain javascript while in edit mode by wrapping them in a php conditional based on if you are in edit mode.
<?php $page = Page::getCurrentPage(); ?>
<?php if(!$page->isEditMode()): ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  alert('Not Edit Mode');
<?php endif; ?>
nosfan1019 replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked perfectly!! Thanks a bunch!
bentaswan replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the exact same issue and was going round in circles trying to figure it out. Disabling the offending javascript whilst in editing mode has worked a treat!
ind88 replied on at Permalink Reply
I had some kind of problem. My jQuery UI and jQuery rotate had a conflict with the edit mode and uploading files. With this, it works perfectly!
