Looking for a partner to create me 10+ unique themes
We are looking for a partner, who would create us concrete5 themes that are only licensed to us. First, I think, we are looking for around 10 different kind of themes to start off with. They should as customizable as possible (with theme edit module).
Mail your estimated offer to develop@crinte.ee
If everything goes well, later work will be quaranteed
We are looking for a partner, who would create us concrete5 themes that are only licensed to us. First, I think, we are looking for around 10 different kind of themes to start off with. They should as customizable as possible (with theme edit module).
Mail your estimated offer to develop@crinte.ee
If everything goes well, later work will be quaranteed

are you looking to create from scratch or just convert to c5, I do Html to C5 theme conversions,
How to make money without work :-)
not sure, what you mean, we will be payin'
Would this be something similar to what is now offered in the Marketplace straight consumer templates or something different like specialized car templates that are marketed to one niche as an example?
No, general c5 themes that are customizable. Like the 3 first in c5mix.com