making the control panel font color different from color on front end


I have designed a site using concrete5 for a client and am having trouble with the font colors, as it is a black page with text on the front end, but the backend is also displaying white text, so the text on each page cannot be seen on the backend.

So would be more that grateful if anyone knows how I could rectify this, maybe through the css


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
can you post screen shots,
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you meaning the content block?

If so check out this post:
deanjwilliams replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, the text on pages is white, but want it black in the content editor, I have made a temporary fix to the css by making it light gray, so it shows up on both ends.

I shall check out the post a bit later, Thanks :)