Making a theme
I'm quite noob at this stage!
I've got a design, in html and I want to get it working in concrete.
Can someone help me?
Here's the files:
(It's an Estonian upload server)
Really hope, that someone will help me.
PS: I want to use it in Concrete for a "newspaper".
If anyone wants to talk personally or smth then msn :
PS 2 : I Attached the file to!
I'm quite noob at this stage!
I've got a design, in html and I want to get it working in concrete.
Can someone help me?
Here's the files:
(It's an Estonian upload server)
Really hope, that someone will help me.
PS: I want to use it in Concrete for a "newspaper".
If anyone wants to talk personally or smth then msn :
PS 2 : I Attached the file to!

do you have any other copies of the theme? the attached file is one html file, to make it compatible with concrete5 you need a css file too.
i had a minute here you go. it isn't perfect cause the css is in the php, but its an effort
soory, heres the file